Guidance for non-schengen seafarers

Crew sailing on a sailing yacht

Guidance for non-schengen seafarers

Since 01 of January 2021, Brexit has changed the lives of many British citizens, including crew members. YPI has summed up and explained the main changes that will affect the movements and immigration formalities for British crew working onboard yachts in the Schengen zone.

Third party nationals

Crew members that are citizens from a country that is not part of the Schengen zone are referred to as THIRD PARTY NATIONALS. Their entry and stay in the Schengen area is subject to a limit in time. From the 1st of January 2021 British citizens are now considered as third country nationals in all of the Schengen zone. They do not need to apply for a visa for a short stay, however they are only permitted to spend up to 90 days over a 180 days period in the Schengen area.

Stamp in and Stamp out

Crew members, because of the nature of their job, are able to do an immigration formality when they join the yacht called “STAMP OUT”. In theory, the crew members are considered leaving the area and joining the yacht. Therefore the counting of the 90-day travel allocation stops, restarting only once they stamp off the boat to go back ashore (STAMP IN).

If you would like to receive the complete guidance document, please contact us.